Frequently Asked Questions About naturopathic Medicine

Does Fargo Naturopathic take Insurance?

No, we do not bill your insurance directly. You can submit charges for appointments, labs, and codes provided by the doctor to see if your insurance will reimburse you.

How Can Naturopathic Medicine Help?

Naturopathic Medicine helps identify the root cause of your ailments and provides a natural solution for your overall wellbeing through various tools such as diet, exercise, homeopathy, and herbal medicine.

Dr. Threasa Andrys often sees people who have been to multiple providers and specialists without any answers, and she has helped them with alternative medicine or integrated solutions. After meeting with you and we feel like you need a specialist, Dr. Threasa Andrys will refer you to someone that may be able to help.

Do you see children?

Yes, Dr. Threasa Andrys is able to provide care to anyone, of all ages.

If I Am Already A patient At Fargo naturopathic how do I Reach My Doctor?

The best way to contact me is to set up an appointment for a “To the Point” Naturopathic visit and we can talk in more detail about your question. Brief questions and conversations that last less than five minutes will be free of charge.

Can you prescribe or manage my pharmaceutical medications?

The current scope of Naturopathic Medicine in the State of North Dakota does not include prescribing or managing pharmaceutical medication.

Does Fargo naturopathic Run blood work & lab testing?

Yes, Fargo Naturopathic uses a variety of labs and companies such as:

  • Precision Analytical (DUTCH)

  • Labcorp

  • Genova

  • Great Plains Laboratory

  • Access Medical Labs

  • ZRT

  • Diagnostic Solutions

What About Privacy & Safety during a Nature Visit?

Outdoor visits may take several forms. It may involve sitting outdoors on a bench/chair/picnic table outside at a local state park, park, or public place. It may also take the form of walking while addressing therapeutic goals and topics. If you decide to walk, some of the activities you might participate in include walking on sidewalks/bike paths and/or exploring public parks and open spaces. The focus of the experience is health consultation, not exercise.

There are possible risks of outdoor visits, including, but not limited to:

  • Accidental injuries from tripping or falling while walking, or potentially being struck by a bicyclist or a car.

  • Physical dangers including: insect stings, animal bites, falling branches or sticks, sunburn, exposure to heat/cold, and similar risks.

  • Adverse weather conditions including heat, rain, and storms. Please note that when rain or storms are in forecast, it may be necessary to reschedule the visit. The doctor will reach out to you if this is the case.

  • Confidentiality issues: complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. Though every attempt will be made to not engage in private conversations when others are in close proximity, it is not possible to guarantee that conversations will not be heard by others.

  • Coming into contact with someone the doctor or patient knows. If the doctor comes into contact with a known person, the doctor will not disclose that you are a patient or any other confidential information. If you come into contact with a known person, the doctor will not initiate interaction with that person but will follow your lead in guiding any interactions.

  • Given the prevalence of cellphones, it is also possible that you may be photographed or videoed with your doctor without your knowledge and that you and your doctor would have no control over the dissemination of those photos/videos.

  • Perceived informality of the interaction. Although outdoor visits might feel more like a social interaction rather than a therapeutic interaction, it is a therapeutic activity. Despite the relative informality of the interaction, the relationship between patient and doctor continues to be entirely professional, and not a social relationship.

Consent and Agreements in order to engage in outdoor visits, you understand and agree to the following:

  • You understand that participation in an outdoor visit and care is completely voluntary and that there are alternative options such as telehealth or in-office services available.

  • You agree to obtain approval from your doctor before engaging in an outdoor visit if you have any medical condition that could affect your ability to participate in this activity and to disclose those conditions or limitations to the doctor.

  • You agree to take full responsibility for your physical safety and to not engage in any activity in which you do not feel safe.

  • You agree to let the doctor know immediately if you become physically or emotionally uncomfortable during a session.